A simple React library for switching between light and dark themes
This is a simple React library for switching between light and dark themes.
It respects the user preference set in their browser, detects changes to that preference, and allows the theme to be toggled manually.
As well as toggling between light
and dark
themes it allows you to define
your own theme variants.
It also supports an option to store the user's selected theme (and any variant) in local storage so the site "remembers" their preferences for the next time they visit.
Documentation and Demos
See the documentation site for a demo and detailed documentation.
Getting Started
Add the @abw/react-night-and-day
module to your project using your favourite
package manager.
## using npm
$ npm add @abw/react-night-and-day
## using yarn
$ yarn add @abw/react-night-and-day
## using pnpm
$ pnpm add @abw/react-night-and-day
Add the ThemeProvider
around your application code.
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'
import YourAppCode from './YourAppCode.jsx'
import { ThemeProvider } from '@abw/react-night-and-day'
.createRoot( document.getElementById('root') )
<ThemeProvider> {/* add this */}
</ThemeProvider> {/* and this */}
Call useTheme()
to access the theme state and functions to change the theme.
import React from 'react'
import { useTheme } from '@abw/react-night-and-day'
const UseThemeExample = () => {
const {
theme, // 'light' or 'dark'
isDark, // true if dark theme selected
isLight, // true if light theme selected
setDark, // set theme to 'dark'
setLight, // set theme to 'light'
toggleTheme, // toggle theme between 'light' and 'dark'
} = useTheme()
return (
The theme is currently {theme}.<br/>
It {isLight ? 'is' : 'is not'} light.<br/>
It {isDark ? 'is' : 'is not'} dark.<br/>
<button onClick={setLight}>Set Light</button>
<button onClick={setDark}>Set Dark</button>
<button onClick={toggleTheme}>Toggle Theme</button>
export default UseThemeExample
Notes for Maintainers
Check out the repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/abw/react-night-and-day.git
$ cd react-night-and-day
Install the dependencies.
$ pnpm install
To run the development server.
$ pnpm dev
To run the tests.
$ pnpm test
To build for production.
$ pnpm build
To build the documentation.
$ pnpm build:docs
To preview the documentation.
$ pnpm preview
Check source code for formatting errors.
$ pnpm lint
Project Structure
The main project code is in the lib
directory. The index.jsx
is the
main entry point.
Running pnpm build
creates a production build in the dist
The src
directory contains the web site for development, testing and
documentation. The index.html
is the main entry point.
Running pnpm dev
runs a development web server for the site.
Running pnpm build:docs
builds the site and saves the bundled
output in the docs
directory. Any additional resources in the public
directory will be included in there.
The styles
directory contains SASS stylesheets used by the web site.
The main.scss
file is the main stylesheet which is imported into
The test
directory contains test scripts which will be run by
pnpm test
. The test/setup.js
file is a special setup file.
Any files in test/lib
are assumed to be components used by tests and
are not test scripts in their own right. They are ignored by the test
Andy Wardley