A description for react-icon
This module implements a React component for rendering SVG icons.
What makes this unique is that icon names can have modifiers to change the
orientation, size, position and style properties of the icon. For example,
if you have an arrow
icon defined, pointing up, then specifying the name
as arrow-right
will rotate it through 90 degrees to point to the right.
Similarly, arrow-thick
will increase the stroke width and arrow-thin
reduce it.
See the website for full documentation and examples.
Getting Started
Add the @abw/react-icon
module to your project using your favourite
package manager.
## using npm
$ npm add @abw/react-icon
## using yarn
$ yarn add @abw/react-icon
## using pnpm
$ pnpm add @abw/react-icon
You can then import the modules and start using them.
import { Icon } from '@abw/react-icon'
const YourComponent = () =>
<Icon name="arrow-right"/>
export default YourComponent
Notes for Maintainers
Check out the repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/abw/react-icon.git
$ cd react-icon
Install the dependencies.
$ pnpm install
To run the development server.
$ pnpm dev
To run the tests.
$ pnpm test
To build for production.
$ pnpm build
To build just the library code for production.
$ pnpm build:lib
To build just the the documentation.
$ pnpm build:docs
To preview the documentation.
$ pnpm preview
Check source code for formatting errors.
$ pnpm lint
Andy Wardley