Unified Test Suite for Chat SDKs. An executable npm package designed to provide a consistent testing environment for different Ably Chat SDKs
Unified Test Suite For Ably Chat SDKs
Unified Test Suite for Chat SDKs (UTS-Chat) is an executable npm package designed to provide a consistent testing environment for different Chat SDKs. It streamlines the testing process by abstracting SDK-specific details into a common interface, allowing you to write tests once and run them across various SDK implementations.
This Test Suite is based on the UTS for Pub/Sub SDKs, see more detailed description of the underlying features and components Pub/Sub UTS repo.
UTS-Chat can be installed locally or globally using npm
# Install globally
npm install -g @ably-labs/uts-chat
# Install locally
npm install --save-dev @ably-labs/uts-chat
To run the test suites using UTS-Chat, you need to specify an environment variable ADAPTER_EXECUTABLE
which points to the command that starts the adapter for your desired SDK.
# Assuming that `my-java-adapter.jar` is an adapter for ably-java
ADAPTER_EXECUTABLE="java -jar my-java-adapter.jar" uts-chat
Running locally
JS adapter is avaialable locally at ./adapters/js. You can run UTS Chat tests against it using a single command:
ADAPTER_EXECUTABLE="npm run start:adapter:js" npm run start
or, alternatively, you can launch all UTS components separately for better control and debugging:
# launch dispatcher first
npm run start:dispatcher
# in a separate console: launch js adapter
npm run start:adapter:js
# in a separate console: launch tests
npm run start:test
Unified SDK client
This Unified Test Suite implements Unified SDK Client for Chat SDK via providing an RpcChatClient
class for SDK's
core functionality. It can be found in test/unified-clients