webgen is a command line utility to generate desired HTML , CSS and JS files all linked to get you up and running in no time so that you can code your next project without any hassle
Webgen :- The command line utility to generate files for your next web dev project.
Installation :-
npm i -g @abhishek-shukla/webgen
Usage :-
$ mkdir test
$ cd test
$ webgen demo
this will generate the demo.html , styles.css and index.js files all linked to the html file in the test folder , so you're up and running in no time.
Features :-
Generates all the necessary files required for a VanillaJS project on a run of a single command
The generated CSS and JS files are already linked to the main HTML files , so the developer can directly start coding , his or her next great idea.
The package therefore and thereby saves a lot lot of time of first creating each files and then linking them , thereby boosting the productivity of the developers , a very minimalistic yet quite useful tool !