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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




A React Native component for generating and displaying interactive Tap or Swipe enabled Ratings.




A React Native component for generating and displaying interactive Tap or Swipe enabled Ratings supporting custom icons from vector icons and images.

npm Install Size


🚀 Installation

Install the package using yarn or npm:

yarn add @aashu-dubey/react-native-rating-bar


npm install --save @aashu-dubey/react-native-rating-bar

And you also need to install react-native-gesture-handler, as we're using it for Swipe/Tap gestures:

yarn add react-native-gesture-handler

then wrap your App's entry point with GestureHandlerRootView (see official doc) in order for drag to rate feature to work

export default function App() {
  return (
    <GestureHandlerRootView style={{ flex: 1 }}>
      {/* content */}

For more info see gesture-handler's official Installation guide

💪🏼 Usage



| prop | default | type | description | | -------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | rateStyles | undefined | object (RateStyles) | Provide custom styles for View containing whole rating group or single rating item. | | itemCount | 5 | number | Total number of Rating items to display. | | minRating | 0 | number | Minimum rating value allowed. Should be >= 0 | | maxRating | itemCount | number | Miximum rating value allowed. Should be >= minRating >= 0 | | layoutDirection | device's layout direction | 'ltr' or 'rtl' | Layout Direction to show the ratings on, left-to-right (ltr) or right-to-left (rtl) | | unratedColor | 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38)' | string (ColorValue) | Color for items that are not rated yet, usually when index >= rating. | | allowHalfRating | false | boolean | If true, rating will increase/decrease by fraction of 0.5 instead of default 1. | | direction | 'horizontal' | 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'vertical-reverse' | Direction to show the ratings items in | | | | 'horizontal' | shows the rating items horizontally. To see them in reverse horizontally set layoutDirection="rtl" | | | | 'vertical' | Shows the rating items vertically, top to bottom. | | | | 'vertical-reverse' | Shows the rating itmes vertically, bottom to top. | | glow | true | boolean | If true, Rating items will glow when being touched or dragged.Note:- iOS only | | glowColor | '#FFC107' | string (ColorValue) | Defines color for glow | | glowRadius | 2 | number | Defines the radius of glow | | ignoreGestures | false | boolean | Ignore user gestures to make rating bar view onlyAlternatively you can use RatingBarIndicator component. | | initialRating | 0 | number | Defines the initial rating to be set to the rating bar. | | itemPadding | 0 | number | The amount of space by which to inset each rating item. | | itemSize | 40 | number | Defines width and height of each rating item in the bar. | | tapOnlyMode | false | boolean | If true, will disable drag to rate feature and only allow taps to change ratings. | | updateOnDrag | false | boolean | Defines whether or not the onRatingUpdate updates while dragging. | | useSolution | 1 | 1 or 2 (number) | There are two implemented solutions for the drag to rate feature, choose whichever works best for you.You won't usually notice any difference, unless ratings are vertical, see direction props. | | onRatingUpdate | undefined | function(rating: number) | Return current rating whenever rating is updated.updateOnDrag can be used to change the behaviour how the callback reports the update.By Default it only returns update when the touch ends, either when tapping or dragging. | | ratingView | undefined | object (RatingView) | Properties for rating view that updates with current rating.By default it shows Rating: {rating} / {itemCount} | | itemBuilder | undefined | function(index: number) => JSX.Element | Function to return your custom components to be used as rating items, usually Image or Icon component from react-native-vector-icons.You can either pass single component or different components based on index property from param.index - Provides Rating bar item's index position as param. | | ratingElement | undefined | object (RatingElement) | Define 3 different states of rating.empty, half and full. |

ratingElement's Object
  • | key | type | description | | ----- | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | empty | JSX.Element | Defines Element to be used as rating bar item when item is unrated. | | half | JSX.Element | Defines Element to be used when as rating bar item when only half portion of item is rated.Note:- allowHalfRating needs to be set to true | | full | JSX.Element | Defines Element to be used when as rating bar item when item is completely rated. |
rateStyles's Object
  • | key | type | description | | ------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | | container | object (ViewStyle) | Custom styles for View contaning whole rating group. | | starContainer | object (ViewStyle) | ((index: number) => StyleProp) | Custom styles for View contaning Sigle rating item. |
ratingView's Object
  • | key | type | description | | -------------- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | showRating | boolean | Whether to show Rating indicator. By default view doesn't show. | | position | 'top' | 'bottom' | Whether to show indicator on top or bottom of Rating bar. By default it shows on top. | | titleText | string | Custom title that shows at the start, before {currentRating} / {itemCount}.Default is "Rating: ". | | containerStyle | object (ViewStyle) | Style for main view container. | | titleStyle | object (TextStyle) | Style for text showing before ratings, at the start. | | ratingStyle | object (TextStyle) | Style for text showing current rating. | | totalStyle | object (TextStyle) | Style for text showing total allowed rating. | | custom | ReactElement | Pass custom component replacing the default one, can be emoji, image or text etc.Passing this will make above props irrelevent, except showRating and position.Note:- You have to handle updates based on rating yourself. |

Note:- To make the component work you must pass either of itemBuilder or ratingElement with valid values.


This is view only alternative to RatingBar with no Tap or Swipe capability and From above props RatingBarIndicator contains layoutDirection, unratedColor, direction, itemCount, itemPadding, itemSize, rating and itemBuilder with same specific uses.

📲 Examples

Using RatingBar Component

There are few different ways to use Rating Bar component

Using ratingElement prop:
    full: (
        style={{ width: 30, height: 30, tintColor: '#54D3C2' }}
    half: (
        style={{ width: 30, height: 30, tintColor: '#54D3C2' }}
    empty: (
        style={{ width: 30, height: 30, tintColor: '#54D3C2' }}
  onRatingUpdate={value => console.log(value)}

Assets are available here. Or you can use Icon component from react-native-vector-icons:

    full: <Icon name="star-rate" color="#54D3C2" size={40} />,
    half: <Icon name="star-half" color="#54D3C2" size={40} />,
    empty: <Icon name="star-border" color="#54D3C2" size={40} />,
  onRatingUpdate={value => console.log(value)}
Using itemBuilder prop:
  unratedColor="rgba(255, 193, 7, 0.2)"
  itemBuilder={() => <Icon name="star" color="#FFC107" size={40} />}
  onRatingUpdate={value => console.log(value)}
Based on itemBuilder prop's index param:

Passing different component in itemBuilder based on index param value:

  itemBuilder={index => {
    switch (index) {
      case 0:
        return (
          <Icon name="sentiment-very-dissatisfied" color="#F44336" size={40} />
      case 1:
        return <Icon name="sentiment-dissatisfied" color="#FF5252" size={40} />;
      case 2:
        return <Icon name="sentiment-neutral" color="#FFC107" size={40} />;
      case 3:
        return <Icon name="sentiment-satisfied" color="#8BC34A" size={40} />;
      case 4:
        return (
          <Icon name="sentiment-very-satisfied" color="#4CAF50" size={40} />
        return <View />;
  onRatingUpdate={value => console.log(value)}

Using RatingBarIndicator Component

  itemBuilder={() => <Icon name="star" color="#FFC107" />}
  unratedColor="rgba(255, 193, 7, 0.2)"
  direction="horizontal" // Or "vertical", "vertical-reverse"

Vertical Mode

| | | | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | | vertical | vertical-reverse |

🚧 Issue

You may notice, especially in Android drag to rate is a little slower, this is a dev only problem, if you run your build on release mode or even debug with JS dev mode disabled it will run way way faster, something related to this. That being said, I'm trying to fix this.

🌻 Motivation

This project was initially started as I needed to implement a rating component for Hotel Booking UI template in my other open source project for learning React-Native-UI-Templates, and failing to find a proper solution that works same as the original Project in Flutter, I decided to replicate the Rating library used in the Flutter project. So this package is initially inspired from Flutter package flutter_rating_bar (including the demo 😅) with some extra added functionalities.

🙋‍♀️ Contributing

See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.

📜 License