Utility to create pre configured Node Js app. The Seed will help you build node app with es6 very quick
This is the seed application for node js
Available Scripts
How To Start
Inside node_modules folder
- Globally install this module with npm "npm install -g @aakashdeveloper/create-node-app"
- Go to the directory where you want to generate the project files
- Run "generate" in shell/cmd and follow the instructions.
- Inside your newly created project folder run "npm start".
- Navigate to http://localhost:7600
Available Script
- npm start
- npm run dev
- npm run test
Available Test Script
npm test
Using Mocha and chai for testing Add test cases in test folder
Database connector
Added mongodb file with all
GET POST PUT DELETE Operation just call mongodb file where ever required
#Added Redis Sample code
- Connect application with redis
- Install redis server
- Sample code is in src/node-redis-sample.js
Added view engine layer
- added ejs script
- added lint