ContentIDRegistry contracts
ContentIDRegistry Contracts
The contracts are upgradable, following the Open Zeppelin Proxy Upgrade Pattern. Each contract will be explained in brief detail below.
This is the contract that controls the price of storage, the price of storage depends on the storage size and storage time
Anyone can send events to the ipfs storage service through this contract. When the ipfs storage service receives the event, it will verify the size of the file or folder. If the storage size is the same as or larger than the verification size of the storage service, the storage service will Pin this file or folder, if the verification fails, it will be regarded as an invalid transaction
Get Started
npm install @4everland/content-id-registry-contracts
calculate file or directory value
import { ContentIDRegistry__factory } from '@4everland/content-id-registry-contracts'
const token = ${token address}
const signer = ${eth signer}
const fileSize = ${file size}
const expiration = ${file expiration}
const contentIDRegistry = ContentIDRegistry__factory.connect(${ContentIDRegistry_contract}, signer)
const value = await contentIDRegistry.getValue(token, fileSize, expiration)
console.log('value', value)
insert cid
import { ContentIDRegistry__factory } from '@4everland/content-id-registry-contracts'
const token = ${token address}
const signer = ${eth signer}
const cid = ${cid}
const fileSize = ${file size}
const expiration = ${file expiration}
const contentIDRegistry = ContentIDRegistry__factory.connect(${ContentIDRegistry_contract}, signer)
const tx = await contentIDRegistry.insert(token, cid, fileSize, expiration)
console.log('tx', tx)
const receipt = await tx.wait()
console.log('receipt', receipt)
renew cid
import { ContentIDRegistry__factory } from '@4everland/content-id-registry-contracts'
const token = ${token address}
const signer = ${eth signer}
const cid = ${cid}
const expiration = ${file expiration}
const contentIDRegistry = ContentIDRegistry__factory.connect(${ContentIDRegistry_contract}, signer)
const tx = await contentIDRegistry.renew(token, cid, expiration)
console.log('tx', tx)
const receipt = await tx.wait()
console.log('receipt', receipt)
expand cid size
import { ContentIDRegistry__factory } from '@4everland/content-id-registry-contracts'
const token = ${token address}
const signer = ${eth signer}
const cid = ${cid}
const size = ${file size}
const contentIDRegistry = ContentIDRegistry__factory.connect(${ContentIDRegistry_contract}, signer)
const tx = await contentIDRegistry.expand(token, cid, size)
console.log('tx', tx)
const receipt = await tx.wait()
console.log('receipt', receipt)
Contract Addresses
The testnet runs on Mumbai currently. The addresses for both of these can be found in ./deployments
Copyright © 2022 4everland.
Licensed under GPL license.