@3kles/kles-material-table is a angular library to create table.
@3kles/kles-material-table is a angular library to create table.
Check out the changelog to check all the latest changes.
- KlesTableDirective -> Directive to build table
- KlesTreetableDirective -> Directive to build tree table
Interface to define the cell of a column, extends IKlesFieldConfig from @3kles/kles-material-dynamicforms
- executeAfterChange?: (property?: string, row?: any, group?: UntypedFormGroup | UntypedFormArray) => Observable -> Execute something after the value of a cell is update
Interface to define the header of a column, extends IKlesFieldConfig from @3kles/kles-material-dynamicforms
- filterComponent?: Type -> Define a new filter component
- filterClearable?: boolean -> Set if the button to clear the filter is visible
- filterable?: boolean -> Set if the column is filterable
- filterPredicate?: (value: any, filter: any) => boolean -> Define a new filter predicate for the column
- sortable?: boolean -> Set if the column is sortable
Interface to manage column for table and lazy table
- columnDef: string -> Set the column def of the column
- sticky?: boolean -> Define if the column is sticky at the start
- stickyEnd?: boolean -> Define if the column is sticky at the end
- visible: boolean -> Define if the column is visible
- disabled?: boolean -> Define if the column is disabled
- name?: string -> Set the name of the column
- ngClass?: any -> Define a css class for the table
- filterable?: boolean -> Define if the column is filterable
- sortable?: boolean -> Define if the column is sortable
- resizable?: boolean -> Define if we can resize the column
- headerCell: IKlesHeaderFieldConfig -> Define the header of the column
- cell: IKlesCellFieldConfig -> Define the cell of the column
- footerCell?: IKlesCellFieldConfig -> Define the footer of the column if there is one
- canUnfold?: boolean -> Define if we can unfold this column on each cell
- align?: AlignCell -> Align the content of cells for this column
Interface to manage column for tree table, extends KlesColumnConfig
- canExpand?: boolean -> Define if the column can be expand to see his children
- paginator?: boolean -> Define a paginator for the children
- paginatorOption?: { pageSize?: number; showFirstLastButtons?: boolean; hidePageSize?: boolean; pageSizeOptions?: number[] } -> Define the paginator options
Interface to manage table
- id?: string -> Id of the table
- tableComponent: Type<any> -> Component to create the table
- columns: KlesColumnConfig[] -> Config of the columns
- tableService: AbstractKlesTableService -> Service of the table
- customMatPaginatorIntl?: Type<MatPaginatorIntl> -> Custom paginator to replace the default one
- selectionMode?: boolean -> Set lines multiple selection
- options?: Options<any> -> Set options to the table
- sortConfig?: Sort -> Define the sort config for sortable columns
- hidePaginator?: boolean -> Set if the paginator is visible
- pageSize?: number -> Define the number of lines
- pageSizeOptions?: number[] -> Define the options for the number of lines to display
- lineValidations?: ValidatorFn[] -> Define validators for the table lines
- lineAsyncValidations?: AsyncValidatorFn[] -> Define async validators for the table lines
- showFooter?: boolean -> Define if the footer is visible
- ngClassRow?: (row: UntypedFormGroup) => any -> Set css class to use for the lines
- multiTemplate?: boolean -> Define if the table have multi template
- templateUnfold?: { disabled?: (row: UntypedFormGroup) => boolean; cells: (IKlesCellFieldConfig & { colspan?: number | Span, rowspan?: number })[]; multiUnfold?: boolean; } -> Define table unfold templates
- templates?: { cells: (IKlesCellFieldConfig & { colspan?: number | Span, rowspan?: number })[], when?: ((index: number, rowData: any) => boolean) }[] -> Define table templates
- dragDropRows?: boolean -> Set if we can drag and drop the lines
- dragDropRowsOptions?: { autoScrollStep?: number; connectedTo?: string[]; dragDisabled?: (row: UntypedFormGroup) => boolean; dragPreview?: { matchSize?: boolean; component: Type; }; dragPlaceholder?: { component: Type; } } -> Set options for the drag and drop
- KlesUnfoldCellComponent -> Component to create a cell that can be unfold
- KlesFormTextHeaderComponent -> Component to create a simple text header
- KlesFormTextHeaderFilterComponent -> Component to create a text header with a filter
- KlesTableComponent -> Component to create a table
- KlesTreetableComponent<T> -> Component to create a tree table
- KlesLazyTableComponent -> Component to create a lazy table
- KlesLazyTreetableComponent<T> -> Component to create a lazy tree table
npm install --save @3kles/kles-material-table
How to use
In the module
import { KlesMaterialTableModule } from '@3kles/kles-material-table';
imports: [
const columns = [
columnDef: '#select', sticky: true, visible: true,
headerCell: {
type: 'checkbox',
name: '#select',
component: KlesFormCheckboxComponent,
indeterminate: false,
} as IKlesFieldConfig,
cell: {
type: 'checkbox',
name: '#select',
component: KlesFormCheckboxComponent,
indeterminate: false,
} as IKlesFieldConfig,
columnDef: 'beginvalue',
visible: true, sticky: true,
resizable: true,
headerCell: {
type: 'input',
name: 'beginvalue',
component: KlesFormLabelComponent,
value: 'Begin',
pipeTransform: [{
pipe: new UpperCasePipe
} as IKlesFieldConfig
const lines = [ { beginvalue: 1 },{ beginvalue: 10} ];
const tableConfig = {
tableComponent: KlesTableComponent,
columns: this.columns,
tableService: new KlesTableService()
<ng-container #table klesTable [tableConfig]="tableConfig" [lines]="lines"></ng-container>
Check the documentation
to use component and directive.
npm install
npm test