3KLES AMQP Message broker
This package contains interface and class to manage AMQP Broker
- NOT: 1
- LOW: 2
- HIGH: 4
- EXCHANGE: Type for exchange
- QUEUE: Type for queue
QueueConfig to definy queue properties:
- queue: Queue name
- options: AssertQueue options
- active: Boolean to activate configuration
- inihandlertRoute: Create a handler to specify how to consume message and ack or nack
- rpc: Boolean to activate RPC mode
- consumerTag: Consumer name
ExchangeConfig override QueueConfig:
- type: Exchange type
- exchange: Exchange name
- routingKey: Routing key for the exchange
- options: AssertExchange options
- optionsQueue: AssertQueue options
InstanceConfig is an interface defined as below:
- queue: Queue name
- options: AssertQueue options
- active: Boolean to activate configuratio
- inihandlertRoute: Create a handler to specify how consume message and ack or nack
- rpc: Boolean to activate RPC mode
- consumerTag: Consumer name
ConnectionManager is a class to manage connections:
- constructor: options:Options.Connect, timeout:Number
- createConnection: Method to create connection with options
- disconnect: Close connection
- delay: Delay timeout before recreate connection if connection failed
- getConnections: List all connections from index and create if not exist
Consumer is a class to create AMQP consumer from MessageBroker:
- constructor: broker:MessageBroker, consumerTag:string, key:string, handler:string
- close: Close connection
- pause: Method to create connection with options
- close: Delay timeout before recreate connection if connection failed
MessageBroker is an interface with these methods:
- getInstance: Get instance from index
- initInstance: Init instance from index and config
- getAllInstances: List all broker instances
- send: Send data to a queue
- sendToExchange: Send data to an exchange with routingKey
- sendRPCMessage: Send data to a queue in RPC mode
- sendRPCToExchange: Send data to an exchange with routingKey in RPC mode
- receiveRPCMessage: Receive message from queue in RPC mode
- subscribe: Subscribe to a queue to consume message
- subscribeToExchange: Subscribe to a exchange to consume message with routingKey
- subscribeToExchangeMutiRoutingKey: Similar to subscribeExchange but with multiple routingKeys
- unsubscribe: Unsubscribe from a key or exchange
- pause: Pause a consumer
- resume: Resume a consumer
- disconnect: Disconnect channel