<div align="center"> <a href="#"> <img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/GHeV8BGjJAAWk/giphy.gif" alt="React Native Components" height="160" /> </a> <br> <br> <p> <b>@2600hz/sds-react-components</b> </p> <p> <i>Library that cont
2600Hz - Commio
SDS React Components Library
This project requires Node.js v14+ to run.
Using .nvmrc file helps to normalize node version used by all maintainers. If you are required to use version specified in this file, run these commands.
nvm use
nvm install
Use the package manager yarn v1+ to install dependencies and devDependencies.
yarn install
yarn add @2600hz/sds-react-components
Now in your components
import { Button, Telicon, ... } from "@2600hz/sds-react-components";
// ...
<Button type='Primary' icon='user-admin-plus'>
Add User
// ...
<Telicon name='mic-slash' className='Icon' />
Build project
yarn build
Run project
yarn storybook
Whenever a new icon is added to Telicon, we get the new version from npm, then update SvgTelicon component. (This is necessary to avoid CORS conflicts with Safari and IOS devices)
yarn upgrade @2600hz/sds-telicon --latest
yarn run telicon
Format code using Prettier and Eslint
yarn run prettify
Needed packages
If you don't already have them on your app, yarn will install the following packages needed for usability. These packages are added as peerDependencies
- @2600hz/commio-native-utilities - Contains useful js functions and shareable configurations
- @2600hz/sds-telicon - Contains svg file with all icons available
Tech Stack
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Commits Commits must follow conventional commit format Make sure your messages look like the following examples
feat: Adding new table component
fix: Table component not being exported correctly
fix!: Drop support for Typescript
Note that the last one will generate a Major commit. It has the same result as adding a breaking change footer
Follow Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 to update project version.
Release-It will take care of versioning, you just have to give the correct type to commit:
- fix - to indicate a bug fix (PATCH) ex . v0.0.1
- feat - to indicate a new feature (MINOR) ex. v0.1.0
- chore - for updates that do not require a version bump (.gitignore, comments, etc.)
- docs - for updates to the documentation
- BREAKING CHANGE - regardless of type, indicates a Major release (MAJOR) ex. v1.0.0
Visit Conventional Commits for more examples.