Standard exceptions to throw
Provides standard exceptions to throw. We should add to this simple library when we wish to add more.
- Throw one error:
import * as Exception from "@20i/exceptions"
throw Exception.BadRequest("This was a bad request")
// throws { name: "badRequest", code: 400, message: "This was a bad request" }
throw Exception.Unauthorized("You must be logged in to do this")
// throws { name: "unauthorized", code: 401, message: "You must be logged in to do this" }
throw Exception.Forbidden("You do not have permission")
// throws { name: "forbidden", code: 403, message: "You do not have permission" }
throw Exception.NotFound("The record was not found")
// throws { name: "notFound", code: 404, "The record was not found" }
throw Exception.InternalError("Unexpected error")
// throws { name: "internalError", code: 500, "Unexpected error" }
- Throw multiple errors
import * as Exception from "@20i/exceptions"
const exceptions: Exception.IException = {
name: "multipleErrors",
code: 400,
message: [
Exception.BadRequest("This was a bad request"),
Exception.Unauthorized("You must be logged in to do this"),
Exception.Forbidden("You do not have permission"),
Exception.NotFound("The record was not found"),
Exception.InternalError("Unexpected error")
// reading the text from exceptions
// [
// "This was a bad request",
// "You must be logged in to do this",
// "You do not have permission",
// "The record was not found",
// "Unexpected error"
// ]
- Axios example
import * as Exception from "@20i/exceptions"
import axios, { AxiosResponse } from "axios"
const axiosCall = () => {
try {
const response = await axios.get("http://your-url-here.com")
return response.data
} catch (e) {
const res: AxiosResponse = e.response.data
if (Exception.isException(res)) {
// print what the message(s)
throw res