Monaco Editor for Angular 17+
📚 Monaco Editor for Angular 17+
This library wraps the well-known Monaco Editor
for easy use in Angular 17+. Feel free to contribute. Let's make it better!
🎯 Versions
It only supports Angular 17 and above.
⚡ Setup
📦 Install Required Dependencies
First, install the necessary package:
npm i @1xtend/ng-monaco-editor
monaco-editor package will be installed automatically, because it is specified in "dependencies".
📁 Import Monaco Editor Assets
Your application must have access to Monaco Editor
assets to work properly. To provide this access, you need to make the following changes to the angular.json
"app-name": {
"architect": {
"build": {
"options": {
"assets": [
"glob": "**/*",
"input": "node_modules/monaco-editor/min",
"output": "assets/monaco-editor/min"
"glob": "**/*",
"input": "node_modules/monaco-editor/min-maps",
"output": "assets/monaco-editor/min-maps"
⚙️ Provide config
You need to define and provide an NG_MONACO_EDITOR_CONFIG
in your app.config.ts
const config: NgMonacoEditorConfig = {
* Optional.
* Base URL to Monaco Editor assets via AMD. By default, it's "/assets", but you can change the path to assets in the previous step.
baseUrl: "/lib/assets",
* Optional.
* Provide editor default options.
defaultOptions: {
theme: "vs-dark",
fontSize: 20,
* Optional.
* This function is called when Monaco is loaded.
onMonacoLoad: () => {
* You can use it to set various settings.
noSyntaxValidation: true,
noSemanticValidation: true,
console.log("Monaco has been loaded successfully!");
* Optional.
* The interval for auto re-layout. Defaul value is 100ms.
autoLayoutInterval: 500,
export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
providers: [
useValue: config,
✨ Usage
For both ng-monaco-editor
and ng-monaco-diff-editor
, you need to create options. You can use the NgEditorOptions
Basic Example:
selector: "my-editors",
standalone: true,
imports: [MonacoEditorComponent, MonacoDiffEditorComponent],
export class MyEditor {
options: NgEditorOptions = {
language: "typescript",
theme: "vs-dark",
diffOptions: NgEditorOptions = {
language: "html",
<ng-monaco-editor [options]="options"></ng-monaco-editor>
<ng-monaco-diff-editor [options]="diffOptions"></ng-monaco-diff-editor>
You can use both Reactive
and Template Driven
forms to control the editor's value.
Reactive forms example:
selector: "my-editor",
standalone: true,
imports: [MonacoEditorComponent, ReactiveFormsModule],
export class MyEditor {
options: NgEditorOptions = {
language: "typescript",
theme: "vs-dark",
valueControl = new FormControl("const age: number = 100");
<ng-monaco-editor [options]="options" [formControl]="valueControl"></ng-monaco-editor>
Template Driven forms example:
selector: "my-editor",
standalone: true,
imports: [MonacoEditorComponent, FormsModule],
export class MyEditor {
options: NgEditorOptions = {
language: "typescript",
theme: "vs-dark",
value: string = "const age: number = 100";
<ng-monaco-editor [options]="options" [(ngModel)]="value"></ng-monaco-editor>
Additionally, ng-monaco-diff-editor
has an originalValue
input to display its original value.
selector: "my-editor",
standalone: true,
imports: [MonacoDiffEditorComponent, FormsModule],
export class MyEditor {
options: NgEditorOptions = {
language: "typescript",
theme: "vs-dark",
value: string = "const age: number = 100";
originalValue: string = "const age: number = 99";
<ng-monaco-diff-editor [options]="options" [(ngModel)]="value" [originalValue]="originalValue"></ng-monaco-diff-editor>
🎨 Styling
Both ng-monaco-editor
and ng-monaco-diff-editor
have the same ng-monaco-editor-wrapper
class. You can style the component by using ::ng-deep
<ng-monaco-editor [options]="options" class="my-editor"></ng-monaco-editor>
.my-editor ::ng-deep .ng-monaco-editor-wrapper {
display: block;
width: 50%;
border: 1px solid red;
Also, the editors have their own classes like ng-monaco-editor
and ng-monaco-diff-editor