Group and sort Eleventy’s verbose output by directory (and show file size with benchmarks)
Group and sort Eleventy’s verbose output by directory (and show file size with benchmarks).
Sample output from eleventy-base-blog
> [email protected] build
> eleventy
↘ _site/ -- -- --
→ about/index.html about/index.md 1.8kB 2.7ms
↘ feed/ -- -- --
• .htaccess feed/htaccess.njk 0.1kB 0.2ms
• feed.json feed/json.njk 106.8kB 17.3ms
• feed.xml feed/feed.njk 109.8kB 9.8ms
→ page-list/index.html page-list.njk 3.2kB 1.1ms
↘ posts/ -- -- --
→ firstpost/index.html posts/firstpost.md 3.5kB 1.0ms
→ fourthpost/index.html posts/fourthpost.md 101.0kB 27.2ms
→ secondpost/index.html posts/secondpost.md 3.2kB 5.6ms
→ thirdpost/index.html posts/thirdpost.md 4.5kB 7.5ms
• index.html archive.njk 3.0kB 13.7ms
↘ tags/ -- -- --
→ another-tag/index.html tags.njk 2.1kB 0.9ms
→ number-2/index.html tags.njk 2.1kB 0.4ms
→ posts-with-two-tags/index.html tags.njk 2.3kB 0.2ms
→ second-tag/index.html tags.njk 2.5kB 0.5ms
• index.html tags-list.njk 2.0kB 0.4ms
• 404.html 404.md 1.9kB 0.4ms
• index.html index.njk 2.8kB 1.7ms
• sitemap.xml sitemap.xml.njk 1.4kB 1.3ms
[11ty] Copied 3 files / Wrote 18 files in 0.16 seconds (8.9ms each, v1.0.1)
The full eleventy-plugin-directory-output
documentation is on 11ty.dev.
- This is a plugin for the Eleventy static site generator.
- Find more Eleventy plugins.
- Please star Eleventy on GitHub, follow @eleven_ty on Twitter, and support 11ty on Open Collective
npm install @11ty/eleventy-plugin-directory-output
The full eleventy-plugin-directory-output
documentation is on 11ty.dev.