A Design System for the 11thDEG sites.
Cyan Elements
A Design System for the 11thDEG sites.
A shared element library for Pelilauta, Charna, and so.
Components available
<tag-name [boolean attribute] another=[typed attribute] (boolean property) (yet-another=[typed property])>
<cyan-toggle [checked]>
<cyan-textfield [error]>
<cyan-textarea [error] (inject=[added to cursor position]) >
<cyan-markdown-area {extends cyan-textarea}>
<cyan-button [text] noun=[noun]>
<cyan-toolbar [small]>
--<cyan-toolbar-header level=[1|2|3|4]>
creates a responsive header element inside a toolbar. --<cyan-spacer>
creates a spacer element inside a toolbar.<cyan-select>
<cyan-tag [notification] label=[string] noun=[noun] prepend=[noun] [secondary]>
<cyan-loader [large|inline]>
<cyan-fab noun=[noun] [secondary] [small]>[slot]</cyan-fab>
<cyan-nav-button [compact] [light|dark]>
and<cyan-nav-section [folds] [open] label=[string] [light|dark]>
App structure
<cyan-top-app-bar [sticky] [modal]>
provides a basic layout element for an app-bar.
Content tags
<cyan-heading [level=1|2|3|4] label="[heading text]></cyan-heading>
is a 24px ot 48px high heading, which automatically resizes to fit the content and slot.<cyan-bubble [reply]>
for a speech bubble (left or right depending on the reply attribute)
Microinteractions available
<cyan-hamburger-button aria-label="[string]"" aria-controls="[string]" [active]>
are fired when a field is focused or blurred.cyan-mode-dark
are fired when the user changes the mode.
Atomics available
keeps the text on a line.TypeHeadline3
hide an element below or above 600px device width, respectively..dontBreakOut
add a material style elevation to an element. These work well with cards..chroma-card-a
Layout bases
<main class="singleColumnLayout">
<main class="dashboardLayout">
<main class="bookLayout">
All of these expect the elements inside the layout to have the class .Column
. Additional functionality can be added by adding the class .double
or .double-cut
to the element.
See stylebook for examples of use
Try cd stylebook && npm run dev
to run the stylebook.
Developer info
Init the project
git clone https://github.com/11thdeg/cyan-elements.git
git submodule unit
git submodule update
npm install
To develop, perhaps you want to run the stylebook (with vite)
npm run dev
Or build and deploy
npm run lint
npm run build
npm publish
Using with Vite/Vue
// https://vitejs.dev/config/
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [vue({
template: {
compilerOptions: {
isCustomElement: (tag) => {
return tag.startsWith('cyan-') // (return true)