A workflow for deploying solidity contracts
Solidity Deployer
Solidity Deployer is a TypeScript project that simplifies the process of deploying, managing, and verifying Solidity smart contracts. It streamlines the deployment process by providing a robust workflow for deploying contracts, deploying guard wallets, recovering funds, and verifying contracts through Etherscan and Tenderly.
Key Features
- Deploying Guard Wallets
- Deploying Contracts
- Verifying Contracts on Tenderly and Etherscan
- Recovering Funds
To use Solidity Deployer in your project, you need to have Node.js and Yarn installed. You can install the package via Yarn:
yarn add solidity-deployer
The DeploymentFlow
class is the core of the project, which handles the deployment and management of smart contracts.
constructor(tenderly: TenderlyConfiguration | Tenderly, etherscanApiKey: string, signer: Signer, networkName?: string, logger?: Logger, deployer?: Deployer)
Initialize a new DeploymentFlow
instance with the required configuration options for Tenderly, Etherscan, and other necessary parameters.
Deploying Guard Wallets
deployGuards: (moduleAddr: string, guards: string[]) => Promise<string[]>
This method deploys guard wallets for a given module address and a list of image hashes. It returns a promise that resolves to an array of deployed guard wallet addresses.
Deploying and Verifying Contracts
deployAndVerify: <T extends ContractFactory>(
friendlyName: string,
contract: new (signer: Signer) => T,
verificationRequest: ContractVerificationRequest,
deploymentArgs?: Parameters<T['deploy']>[],
contractInstance?: BigNumberish,
txParams?: providers.TransactionRequest,
fundsRecoveryAddr?: string,
) => Promise<Contract>
This method deploys and verifies a contract using the provided contract factory and deployment arguments. It also takes a friendly name for the contract, verification request details, and optional transaction parameters and funds recovery address.
Recovering Funds
recoverFunds: (address: string) => Promise<BigNumber>
This method helps to recover all funds in the signer and returns them to the specified address. It returns a promise that resolves to the remaining dust in the signer.
import { Tenderly } from "tenderly";
import { Wallet } from "ethers";
import { DeploymentFlow } from "solidity-deployer";
const tenderlyConfig = {...}; // Your Tenderly configuration
const etherscanApiKey = "your-etherscan-api-key";
const privateKey = "your-private-key";
const networkName = "mainnet";
const signer = new Wallet(privateKey);
const tenderly = new Tenderly(tenderlyConfig);
const deploymentFlow = new DeploymentFlow(tenderly, etherscanApiKey, signer, networkName);
async function main() {
// Deploy and verify a contract
const contract = ...; // Your contract factory
const verificationRequest = ...; // Contract verification request
const deploymentArgs = ...; // Contract deployment arguments
const deployedContract = await deploymentFlow.deployAndVerify("MyContract", contract, verificationRequest, deploymentArgs);
console.log("Deployed contract address:", deployedContract.address);
// Deploy guards
const moduleAddr = deployedContract.address;
const guards = [...]; // List of image hashes for each guard wallet
const deployedGuardWallets = await deploymentFlow.deployGuards(moduleAddr, guards);
console.log("Deployed guard wallets:", deployedGuardWallets);
// Recover funds
const recoveryAddress = "your-recovery-address";
const remainingDust = await deploymentFlow.recoverFunds(recoveryAddress);
console.log("Remaining dust in signer:", remainingDust.toString());
.then(() => {
.catch(error => {
This project is released under the Apache License 2.0.