## Getting Started
Getting Started
Initialize the SDK with the init function on startup:
import { init } from '@0xmetropolis/metro-sdk';
// Any ethers provider works.
// 1 for mainnet, 5 for goerli.
// Make sure that the provider is instantiated before the SDK
init({ provider: ethers.getDefaultProvider(), network: 1 });
Once you init the SDK, you can call getPod()
, getUserPods()
, or getAdminPods()
anywhere to
fetch Pod objects.
import { getPod, getUserPods, getAdminPods } from '@0xmetropolis/metro-sdk';
const podFromEnsName = await getPod('mypod.pod.xyz');
// ENS names also work for the below.
const podFromAddress = await getPod('0x123...456');
const podFromId = await getPod(1);
// Returns null
const notAPod = await getPod('not a pod');
// Fetches all Pods that a user is a member of
const userPods = await getUserPods(userAddress);
// Fetches all Pods that a user is an admin of
const adminPods = await getAdminPods(adminAddress);
Types can be imported as such:
import { Pod, Proposal } from '@0xmetropolis/metro-sdk';
Additional Documentation
Additional documentation can be found here
Test Scripts
There are have some test scripts to test approve/reject proposals and super proposals. They can be
executed by duplicating the env-examples.json
with private keys in env.json
, and executing the
transactions with npx ts-node ./scripts/reject-superproposal.ts