Example React widget library published as @0xernesto/react-widget-example.
React Widget Example
This project is an example of how to create an embeddable React widget. Technically, this is a React component library, but the only export is MyWidget
. The output package is framework-agnostic, which means it can be used by third-party apps, regardless of the React framework they use (Create-React-App, Next.js, etc). This project was largely inspired by the Uniswap Swap Widget.
The output package is published as @0xernesto/react-widget-example.
Development Tools Used
- Language: Typescript
- Bundler: Rollup
- Formatter: Prettier
- Linter: ESLint
- Styling: TailwindCSS
- Testing: Jest
is a simple counter widget that consists of a container (blue outline), an "Increase count!" button, and a text element that displays the decimal and hexadecimal count.
Below is a screenshot of a Next.js 13 app that uses MyWidget
. The red container is part of the app, and the blue container is part of the widget.
Figure 1: Next.js 13 app using MyWidget
- On a new branch, open a PR for a particular set of changes.
- Name the PR according to Conventional Commits guidelines.
- All commits must be related to the PR name and commit messages must follow Conventional Commits guidelines.
- To make the enforcement of these guidelines easier, husky, commitlint, commitizen, and GitHub Actions have been configured for this project.
- All PRs must be squashed and merged to keep a clean history on the main branch.
When making git commits, run the folowing command instead of git commit
, and follow the instrucitons.
npm run commit
This project is set up to publish the package via GitHub Actions, only after a new release has been created. If this is the first time the package is published, the following command should be used:
npm publish --access public
After the package has been published for the first time, the following is an example step-by-step process for publishing new releases.
must be obtained from your npm account and added to the repo's GitHub Actions secrets. GH_TOKEN
needs to be generated in your GitHub settings and added to the repo's GitHub Actions secrets. GITHUB_TOKEN
is a special secret that is automatically created for the repo, so there is no need to explicitely define it anywhere.
- On your local machine, create a new local branch - for example,
git checkout -b fix_for_the_bug
- Make code changes and commit as necessary.
git add -A
npm run commit
Follow the commitizen prompts, and the final commit message should be something like fix: "fix part 1 of 5 of the bug"
- Push the branch to the remote GitHub repo.
git push origin fix_for_the_bug
Create a new pull request from the
branch, review the code, and address any changes necessary. Make sure the pull request name follows Conventional Commits guidelines.After the changes have been reviewed, the PR can be squashed and merged to the main branch. This will trigger the GitHub Action workflow that publishes the new release.
The process above ensures that the code in the main branch always reflects that latest package version, and also keeps package versions consistent between npm and GitHub Packages.
Semantic Versions Overview
The default values for these prefixes are defined in the .releaserc.js file.
| Prefix | Version Bump | Description |
| ---------- | ------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| feat
| Minor | A new feature is introduced to the application (e.g., version bump from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0). |
| fix
| Patch | A bug fix in the codebase (e.g., version bump from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1). |
| docs
| No bump | Documentation only changes, no version bump. |
| style
| No bump | Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc), no version bump. |
| refactor
| No bump | A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature, no version bump. |
| perf
| Patch | A code change that improves performance (e.g., version bump from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1). |
| test
| No bump | Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests, no version bump. |
| build
| No bump | Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (e.g., gulp, broccoli, npm), no version bump. |
| ci
| No bump | Changes to CI configuration files and scripts (e.g., Travis, Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs), no version bump. |
| chore
| No bump | Other changes that don't modify src or test files, no version bump. |
| revert
| Varied | Reverts a previous commit, the bump depends on the reverted change (e.g., if a feature is reverted, a minor version bump down). The default bump for revert
is Minor. |
This project is released under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.