Sloth Verifiable Delay Function for Javascript and Solidity 0.8
Sloth Verifiable Delay Function
This module implements the Sloth VDF algorithm in JavaScript, TypeScript, and Soldity 0.8 for generating provable random numbers.
npm install -D @0xdoublesharp/sloth-vdf
yarn add -D @0xdoublesharp/sloth-vdf
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import { SlothVDF } from '@0xdoublesharp/sloth-vdf/contracts/SlothVDF.sol';
contract RandomVDFv1 {
// large prime
uint256 public prime = 432211379112113246928842014508850435796007;
// adjust for block finality
uint256 public iterations = 1000;
// increment nonce to increase entropy
uint256 private nonce;
// address -> vdf seed
mapping(address => uint256) public seeds;
uint256 public proof;
error InvalidProof();
error AlreadyProven();
function createSeed() external payable {
// commit funds/tokens/etc here
// create a pseudo random seed as the input
uint256 _nonce = nonce++;
seeds[msg.sender] = uint256(
keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender, _nonce, block.timestamp, blockhash(block.number - 1)))
function prove(uint256 _proof) external {
if (proof != 0) revert AlreadyProven();
if (!SlothVDF.verify(_proof, seeds[msg.sender], prime, iterations)) revert InvalidProof();
// use the proof as a provable random number
proof = _proof;
JavaScript / TypeScript
describe('Sloth VDF', () => {
it('Prove', async () => {
const { sender, randomVDFv1 } = await loadFixture(fixtures);
const prime = BigInt((await randomVDFv1.prime()).toString());
const iterations = BigInt((await randomVDFv1.iterations()).toNumber());
console.log('prime', prime.toString());
console.log('iterations', iterations.toString());
const tx = await randomVDFv1.createSeed();
await tx.wait();
const seed = BigInt((await randomVDFv1.seeds(sender.address)).toString());
console.log('seed', seed.toString());
let start = Date.now();
const badproof = sloth.computeBeacon(seed, prime, BigInt(1));
console.log('compute time', Date.now() - start, 'ms', 'bad proof', badproof);
start = Date.now();
const proof = sloth.computeBeacon(seed, prime, iterations);
console.log('compute time', Date.now() - start, 'ms', 'vdf proof', proof);
await expect(randomVDFv1.prove(badproof)).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(randomVDFv1, 'InvalidProof');
await expect(randomVDFv1.prove(proof)).to.not.be.reverted;
await expect(randomVDFv1.prove(proof)).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(randomVDFv1, 'AlreadyProven');