The purpose of this module is to put the zkSNARK into a proper feasible workflow.
This is the Verification API (Backend Server)
The purpose of this module is to put the zkSNARK into a proper feasible workflow.
This package too will be published as an npm package
. To install this head over to your terminal and type:
$ npm i @0xagnish/zkVerifier
To initialise the library:
import { Prover, UserVerifier } from "0xagnish/zkVerifier";
import { MerkleSumTree } from "0xagnish/zkDataPrep";
here is the core API class that generates the Proof of Solvency zkSNARK for each of the users in the given input.csv
. Since, the proof is a Zero-Knowledge Proof, it doesn't provide much information about the internal details about the entries of the database
. Entries here refer to as the username -> balance
structs of the individual users. Thereby, not revealing
the number of users, or any kind of numerical value to the ongoing assets and liabilities of the Company/Organization.
is a class, rather an Abstraction Layer
that lets a user verify a proof, without getting into the hassle of how the internals of the zero-knowledge verifier is working.
, as explained in 0xagnish/zkDataPrep
structures the input.csv
data into a merkle sum tree
, a data structure that helps in construction of the dataset into a zk-friendly
new Prover (tree: MerkleSumTree, assetsSum bigInt, proverArtifacts SnarkProverArtifacts) : Prover
import { Prover } from "0xagnish/zkVerifier";
import { MerkleSumTree } from "0xagnish/zkDataPrep";
const tree = new MerkleSumTree(
"provide the relative path of the input.csv file"
const assetsSum = BigInt(4000000000);
const pathToWasm = "..enter your file path for WASM";
const pathToZKey = "..enter your file path to ZKEY";
const proverArtifacts = {
wasmFilePath: pathToWasm,
zkeyFilePath: pathToZKey,
const prover = new Prover(tree, assetsSum, proverArtifacts);
Initializes the prover
object and takes inputs from the Merkle Sum Tree
, the total assets owned by the Company/Organization. Along with the zkSNARK artifacts, which mainly consists of the Proof file, Proving Key and Verification Key
The circuit repository is available in the @0xagnish/zkCircuits
npm package, you can install by
calling :
$ npm install 0xagnish/zkCircuits
generateProof (user index number : int) : FullProof
Generates a Proof-of-Solvency proof for a specific user in the Merkle Sum Tree.
const userIndex = 0;
const proof = await prover.generateProofForUser(userIndex);
APIs -> UserVerifier
new UserVerifier (username: string, balance: uint, verificationKey: JSON) : UserVerifier
import { UserVerifier } from "0xagnish/zkVerifierServer";
const username = "randome-string";
const balance = BigInt(2204);
const verificationKey = require("...add the file path to the verification key...");
const userVerifier = new UserVerifier(username, balance, verificationKey);