Encodes and decodes abi data, fast.
Encodes and decodes abi data, fast.
const RUST_ENCODER = new FastABI(ABI as MethodAbi[]);
const callData = RUST_ENCODER.encodeInput('sampleSellsFromUniswapV2', [...values]);
// 0x.....
// Decode the output of a method call
const output = RUST_ENCODER.decodeOutput('sampleSellsFromUniswapV2', callData);
// {
// router: '0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f',
// path: [ '0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' ],
// takerTokenAmounts: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
// }
Uniswap ABI
13 input encode
✓ ZeroEx - optimized (2579ms)
p25: 0.223583ms, p50: 0.22825ms, p99: 1.734083ms, p100: 5.321458ms
✓ ZeroEx - no optimize (893ms)
p25: 0.077166ms, p50: 0.077792ms, p99: 0.098417ms, p100: 2.595542ms
✓ fast-abi (335ms)
p25: 0.027958ms, p50: 0.028292ms, p99: 0.032583ms, p100: 2.886333ms
13 input decode
✓ ZeroEx (1399ms)
p25: 0.112125ms, p50: 0.113542ms, p99: 0.219583ms, p100: 63.167208ms
✓ fast-abi (392ms)
p25: 0.02975ms, p50: 0.030708ms, p99: 0.046667ms, p100: 4.391958ms
13 output decode
✓ ZeroEx (1138ms)
p25: 0.100583ms, p50: 0.101458ms, p99: 0.126875ms, p100: 4.380667ms
✓ fast-abi (327ms)
p25: 0.023709ms, p50: 0.024625ms, p99: 0.049875ms, p100: 8.044291ms
130 input encode
✓ ZeroEx - optimized (15317ms)
p25: 1.374375ms, p50: 1.398958ms, p99: 3.235333ms, p100: 9.725875ms
✓ ZeroEx - no optimize (6272ms)
p25: 0.552209ms, p50: 0.560416ms, p99: 1.711958ms, p100: 3.264542ms
✓ fast-abi (1569ms)
p25: 0.140291ms, p50: 0.142292ms, p99: 0.1875ms, p100: 10.919333ms
130 input decode
✓ ZeroEx (10277ms)
p25: 0.8775ms, p50: 0.891917ms, p99: 3.149708ms, p100: 211.279542ms
✓ fast-abi (2381ms)
p25: 0.189791ms, p50: 0.192541ms, p99: 0.367417ms, p100: 10.084375ms
130 output decode
✓ ZeroEx (9743ms)
p25: 0.872875ms, p50: 0.886042ms, p99: 3.282917ms, p100: 6.403833ms
✓ fast-abi (2244ms)
p25: 0.177959ms, p50: 0.183959ms, p99: 0.230166ms, p100: 6.963125ms
How to Publish
yarn publish --access public
Rust Binary
NOTE: make sure package.json
with a new npm package version is merged.
Push an empty commit with message [publish binary]
This will trigger a GitHub action step publish
which will publish the Rust binaries to a new GitHub draft release.
In GitHub, update the release notes and publish the release.
arm64 Binaries
GitHub does not provide an arm64 environment with which to build binaries. However, binaries can be built locally (on an Mx Mac, typically):
yarn build
yarn node-pre-gyp package
This will output the binary to build/stage/<package version>
. It may then be manually added
to the GitHub release.