A collection of tools for roughly (but quickly) parsing CSS, HTML and JavaScript
A collection of tools for roughly (but quickly) parsing CSS, HTML and JavaScript.
∅ Version: 0.0.6
∅ NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@0bdx/semi-parser
∅ Repo: https://github.com/0bdx/semi-parser
∅ Homepage: https://0bdx.com/semi-parser
@TODO add an overview
npm i @0bdx/semi-parser
Require an LTS Node version (v14.0.0+).
@TODO add the redactJs()
import { equal } from 'assert';
import { redactJs } from '@0bdx/semi-parser';
// In this JavaScript source code, we'd like to replace the identifier
// `foo` with `ok`, without changing the comment, or the string 'foo',
const source = `let foo = 'foo'; console.log(foo); // displays "foo"`;
console.log(`source:\n ${source}`);
// Define a simple regular expression which finds "foo" multiple times.
// The `g` flag makes exec() search repeatedly - tinyurl.com/mr2puud2
const rx = /foo/g;
// "foo" appears four times in `source`, ending at 7, 14, 32 and 51.
const endPositions = [];
while (rx.exec(source)) endPositions.push(rx.lastIndex);
equal(endPositions.join(), '7,14,32,51');
// Fill the string with dashes, and replace the comment with spaces.
const result = redactJs(source); // no 2nd argument, so default options
equal(result, "let foo = '---'; console.log(foo); ");
// "foo" only appears twice in `result`, ending at positions 7 and 32.
// Fill an array with the parts of `source` which do not contain "foo".
let parts = [], from = 0;
while (rx.exec(result)) {
const endPos = rx.lastIndex;
parts.push(source.slice(from, endPos - 3)); // 'foo' length is 3
from = endPos;
parts.push(source.slice(from)); // the part after the final "foo"
// Join the parts into a string, with 'ok' placed between each part.
const replaced = parts.join('ok');
equal(replaced, `let ok = 'foo'; console.log(ok); // displays "foo"`);
console.log(`replaced:\n ${replaced}`);
You can find the redactJs()
example in the
src/redact-js/ directory, and run it using:npm run example-1
Set up your development machine
- Check your Git version:
git --version # should be 'git version 2.20.1' or greater
- Check your Node version:
node --version # should be 'v14.0.0' or greater
- Check your global TypeScript version:
tsc --version # should be 'Version 4.9.4' or greater
There are no actual .ts files in this project, but TypeScript can infer types from the JavaScript code and JSDoc comments.- VS Code uses
to highlight errors in src/ JavaScript files tsc
is needed to generate the semi-parser.d.ts type declaration
- VS Code uses
Set up VS Code
- Check your VS Code version:
code --version # should be '1.74.3' or greater
- Install and enable the
extension. - Install and enable the
Set up the repo locally
Clone the repository, and cd
into it.git clone [email protected]:0bdx/semi-parser.git && cd semi-parser
Install Rollup, the only dependency.npm i
Rollup 3.10.1 adds 2 packages, 2.5 MB, 29 items.
Open semi-parser
in VS Code.code .
Handy dev commands
Run all tests on the in-development source code:npm test
Run each example, one by one:npm run example:1
npm run example:2
Or run all the examples:npm run examples
Build semi-parser.js and semi-parser.d.ts:npm run build:production
npm run build:typings
Run all tests on the built semi-parser.js file:npm run preflight:test
Check that semi-parser.js uses all types correctly:npm run preflight:types
Or run all the build and preflight steps in one line, eg before committing:npm run build && npm run preflight
Display what will be published:npm publish --dry-run
Publish to npmjs.com/package/@0bdx/semi-parser:npm publish