AmCharts V4.8.0
Download File === https://tiurll.com/2tjLB7
If you want to use amCharts on your websites with Graphical User Interface instead of HTML and CSS, your will have to build your own chart. In this section we will provide the data to generate the chart on HTML page with amCharts.js library. These can be embedded to your Web pages from the way that amCharts v4.8.0 is implemented. For example, you can save the chart to your system and call your own JavaScript code.
The integration can be done via a special connector a JavaScript file that provides API for interaction between WebDataRocks and amCharts. See more details on the Connectors API calls and principles of work in the API reference.
For date-based charts, AmCharts assumes daily data (yyyy-MM-dd), which explains why your chart looks that way. Since your data has an accompanying timestamp (ISO8601), you need to modify the inputDateFormat to tell the chart to also parse out the time component. AmCharts provides a special i format code to automatically parse ISO dates:
The amCharts Snippet was created to allow content users to add charts to existing pages. It is used in conjuction with a service called amCharts. The idea being that you'll create the chart using amChart's online system and then copy/paste the data over to OU Campus in a snippet.
Note that the returned data is structured according to a format required by amCharts.The requested data contains the fields defined by the current slice of the pivot table. If the slice is passed as an argument to webdatarocks.amcharts.getData(), the data is prepared accordingly to it. 84d34552a1