a library for searching geometries based on a given geometry as query
Planned development work:
- [x] add a JS version of the single-threaded implementation
- [x] add a WASM verion of the single-threaded implementation
- [x] add basic UTs monitoring the different implementations' correctness
- [x] JS implementation (single-threaded)
- [x] WASM implementation (single-threaded)
- [x] add basic script running benchmark tasks against different implmenetations. And set up intuitive speed/performance expectation.
- in term of speed:
- multi-threaded is faster than single threaded
- wasm is faster than JS (wasm searching is significantly slower in browser at this moment, needs further investigation.)
- performance gain grows as the input scales up
- in term of memory usage:
- multi-threaded uses more than single-threaded
- wasm uses more than JS
- in term of speed:
- [ ] migrate benchmarking code to web worker
- [ ] replace CMake with Bazel
- [ ] introduce emscripten docker for building wasm module
- [ ] enrich the supported geometric query
- [x] initial support: aabb
- [ ] later support: ray
- [ ] add a multi-threaded implementation in JS
- [ ] build
- [ ] search - optional
- [ ] add a multi-threaded implementation in wasm (might replace the single threaded wasm implementation if possible)
- [ ] build
- [ ] search - optional
- [ ] (bonus) migrate multi-threaded implementations to GPU if possible
Example Screenshots:
index 5000 boxes + check 50000 targets
index 50000 boxes + check 50000 targets
index 100000 boxes + check 50000 targets