Telegram bot in 30 lines of code
2Space - Telegram Bot in 30 Lines of Code Example
You can try it out on telegram - @tospace
This telegram bot is a little bit more than standard "Hello World" application - it does something. It gets the information about closest launches of spacecrafts.
This library was created to illustrate a bot creation process as simple as it possible.
I have created it as a demo for my presentation on IT NonStop Wroclaw. Links and descriptions are going to be provided when event will happen.
It works literally everywhere. Server is not mandatory - it works well from your personal device.
- Register your bot with @botfather. It will give you a token
- Create token file:
cp token-example.js token.js
- Place your token string inside
npm install
npm start
- Enjoy. Just type your bot a message in telegram
It is not production ready solution (I know, it's obvious, but...). In real life it makes sense to use a way more complicated algorithms of language recognition, not indexOf
. Also in real life it's a very bad idea to hardcore URLs like it's done in the example. Only morons do so on real projects.
Storing cases in one folder is not a good practice either, some architecture is very helpful. Just imagine it's kind of router and cases are action of controllers - with such abstraction life is way easier.
Data is provided by API - https://launchlibrary.net Icon used for application was taken here https://www.flaticon.com/authors/smashicons
Project uses 2 libraries: node-telegram-bot-api and request.